What is the purpose of a film? This question has been our obsession since Day1. Our BIGGER THAN US film is now done and spreads (56 countries, thousands of community screenings). Our desire to be meaningful gets stronger everyday.
BIGGER THAN US is all about how we relate and connect, to our world, to each other, to the “here and now”. Our time(s). As a film, it has been triggering thousands of conversations and maybe decisions. Shifts. Yet it all started with them, our dear protagonists, Mary, Melati, Rene, Melati, Mohamad, Winnie and Xiuhtezcatl. Kicking on the set, at the film’s release or in screenings and debates everywhere, they have been there for us. Seven stunning sources of inspiration. Now how can we, our film, be of any use for them? How can we give back?
BIGGER THAN US SUPPORT is our answer. Our French association under 1901 Law aims at providing them a multidimensional and long-term safety-net through:
- Access to tools and resources to address their needs in terms of education, training, communication, mental health, legal and material security.
- A dedicated team, bridging our audience and protagonists, crafting tailored supports
To help us:
This is a new chapter in our adventure. We need ideas and best practices, means and insights, resources and advices. You can:
- Donate to our association: big or small, every contribution matters. If you are based in France, your donation is tax-deductible. You can use our account on Hello Asso platform, which will issue your tax receipt. If you are not based in France or you’d rather “deal” with us, contact us directly!
- Join our team probono if you are an educator, lawyer, communicator, farmer, entrepreneur, doctor and/or have skills that could help our protagonists or our association.
- Support our protagonists directly using the contact details on their dedicated pages.
- Host an event to raise awareness and funds for our initiative.
- Talk to us about any “support-like” idea you may have. Among other developments, we are considering hosting (building, curating) a BIGGER THAN US safe place. You may know or have such place.
Contact us : support@biggerthanus.film
The adventure has already begun.
Join us !
Many thanks to our great lawyers and advisors FIDAL and cabinet Jouclard for supporting our new endeavour.